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IGNOU BEGC 109 Solved Assignment 2023-24 PDF Download Details
- Course Code: BEGC 109
- Course Title: British Romantic Literature
- Session: July 2023-January 2024
- University: IGNOU
IGNOU BEGC 109: British Romantic Literature (July 2023-January 2024) Assignment Questions
Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Define “Romantic Literature explaining the origin of the term ‘Romantic”, giving various definitions, and elucidating salient features of romanticism.
2. Explain in detail the formal features of folk poetry.
3. What is the relationship between innocence and experience as Blake sees it?
4. What is the difference between the language of poetry and the language of prose in Wordsworth’s view? Is it valid?
5. What is the justification for calling Keats the “Poet’s Poet”? Give a reasoned answer
6. Give an account of the punishment suffered by the Mariner. Attempt to show the various stages and the different kinds of suffering he undergoes.
7. Write a note on Lamb’s characteristic humour and pathos with reference to the essay you studied?
8. What in the short run was the aim of The Vision of Judgement? Elucidate it.
9. Discuss the development of thought in ‘Ode to Nightingale”.
10. What major aspects can be attributed for Mary Shelley to become a great writer? Contextualize your answer with reference to the texts prescribed for you.
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