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IGNOU BEGG 174 Solved Assignment 2024-25 PDF Download Details
- Course Code: BEGG 174
- Session: July 2024-January 2025
- University: IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
IGNOU BEGG 174: CREATIVE WRITING (July 2024-January 2025) Assignment Questions
Section A
Q.I Write short notes on the following in about 200 words each:
(i) Pros and cons of Twitter
(ii) Importance of imagery in poetry
(iii) Avoiding plagiarism
(iv) Purpose of PSAs over radio and TV.
Section B
Q. II Answer the following questions in about 350 words each:
1. Experimental stories are an innovation in the art of story-writing. Explain the characteristics that make up experimental stories.
2. What are some guidelines for writing for online media?
3. What is the importance of dialogue in different kinds of narratives? Explain in detail.
4. Do you agree that new media is the future? Give a reasoned answer.
Section C
Q. III Attempt the following questions using your creative abilities:
1. Write a short story for children that has a moral at the end.(500 words)
2. Write a feature on the need for looking after the aged/old people. (500 words)
3. Write a poem of ten to fifteen lines on any theme that you feel strongly about.
4. Structure a Public Service Announcement to be broadcast over TV on “Evils of Dowry.” Suggest visuals with matching narration/dialogues and SFX.
5. Imagine two types of readers: the first are college students and the second are old pensioners. Now write 3 paragraphs about some place that you have visited keeping in mind the first target readers. Then write another three paragraphs about the same place, but target it for the old people. Remember the slant of your travel article will be very different for the two varied groups. (600 words)
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