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IGNOU BLIE 226 Solved Assignment 2023-24 English Medium PDF Download Details
- Course Code: BLIE 226
- Course Title: Management of Library and Information Centre
- Session: July 2023-January 2024
- Medium: English
- Assignment Code: AST/TMA/ Jul.2023/Jan.2024
- University: IGNOU
IGNOU BLIE 226: Management of Library and Information Centre (July 2023-January 2024) Assignment Questions
I) Answer all the questions in not more than 500 words each .
1. Define scientific management. Explain various functions of management.
2. Define process of acquisition. Explain various problems in acquisition of sources.
3. What do you mean by stock verification? Explain various methods of stock verification for libraries.
4. What do you mean by budget? Explain various kind of budgeting methods.
II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each.
1. Quality circles
2. Types of change
3. Role of library manager in present era
4. Newark charging system
5. Weeding of library material
6. Manpower planning for libraries
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