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IGNOU MEG 16 Solved Assignment 2024-25 PDF Download Details
- Course Code: MEG 16
- Course Title: Indian Folk Literature
- Session: July 2024-January 2025
- University: IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
IGNOU MEG 16: Indian Folk Literature (July 2024-January 2025) Assignment Questions
1. Give a brief overview of the growth of folklore studies in India.
2. What is Contextual Theory of folklore? Elucidate.
3. Categorize the ‘Great’ and ‘Little’ traditions in the study of folklore.
4. Are cave paintings a part of our folk paintings and folk narratives? Attempt a critical review of folk paintings.
5. Tales Told by Mystics bases itself on the rich indigenous mythological properties. Discuss.
6. Attempt a critical note on the ethnographic details and eco-systems of the tribes of India on the basis of Sitakant Mahapatra’s The Awakened Wind: The Oral Poetry of the Indian Tribes.
7. Discuss Girish Karnad’s pivotal role in the development of folk theatre and modern Indian drama.
8. Write short notes on any two:
a. Desha,Kshetra,Nadu,Rajya
b. Jatra, Kathakali, Tamasha
c. Folk music
d. Folk cuisine
So get a copy of IGNOU MEG 16 Solved Assignment 2024-25 PDF now and complete your assignment in no time.
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