IGNOU MHI 105 Solved Assignment 2024-25 English Medium PDF Download
It is highly recommended to verify the below assignment details before purchasing the IGNOU MHI 105 Solved Assignment 2024-25 English Medium PDF.
Course Code | MHI 105 |
Course Title | History of Indian Economy-1 From Earliest times to c.1700 |
Session | July 2024 – January 2025 |
Medium | English |
Assignment Code | MHI-105/AST/TMA/24-25 |
IGNOU MHI 105 Solved Assignment 2024-25 English Medium Question Paper
MHI 105 : History of Indian Economy-1 From Earliest times to c.1700
Note: Attempt any five questions. The assignment is divided into two Sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. You have to attempt at least two questions from each section in about 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.
1 Account for the recent trends in the economic history writings of Ancient India.
2. To what extent geographical regions determined the agricultural map of India.
3. Examine the economy of the Satavahana and the Gupta empires on the basis of the study of coins.
4. Enumerate the importance of the silk route during c.600 BCE to 300 CE.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) First farmers of Bihar and the Doab
ii) Craft Specialisation: Harappan period
iii) Fluvial routes
iv) Urban centres: c.600 BCE to 300 CE
6. Analyse briefly the irrigation techniques used during the early medieval and medieval period in India.
7. Critically examine the methods of land revenue assessment under the Mughal.
8. Analyze the role and significance of Sarrafs during medieval period in India.
9. Discuss the basic feature of the organisation of postal communication in Mughal India.
10. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) Medieval women as property holders
ii) Bridges in medieval period.
iii) Agra as an important entreport in the 17th century
iv) Karkhana and the artisans
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